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Marketing Strategies

Feb. 2019

Brain dead report.png

This task involved constructing a viable creative marketing strategy for Brain Dead, my chosen brand. Within the context of a marketing strategy I constructed a recommendation for a digital transformation. Factoring in the significant impact of Covid 19.  


Initially, I performed a situational analysis of the brand, discussing the key components that form the brands image. I kept this succinct and clear, ensuring that is was easy to understanding without context. This discusses a shift in consumer behaviour and the rise in demand for digital communities, particularly within experiential brands.


Throughout I considered the digital landscape alongside the tools and techniques that can be applied to achieve a successful strategy.  I took on the responsibility of creating my own objectives and set individual priorities. These ran throughout the strategy, acting as support mechanisms to guide my decisions. This allowed me to formulate a workable concept whilst keeping an open-minded, and intuitive approach to problem-solving. Any issues identified in my analysis were balanced with creative, innovative and practical solutions.

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